I'll offer my experience with you. First of all I will say this. I am never satisfied with a bow and usually turn them around on the classifiedes within a couple months. I shoot recurve bows somewhat better than longbows but really have a thing for longbows, so I keep searching for one I like and likes me... The ACS is a bit of a mystery. But once you solve the arrow tuneing part of it, it becomes unbeliveable!!!!!
With that, let me offer you and other readers and future ACS owners this advice...
Build out the side plate a bit. It is cut way past center... So much so that when I get an arrow to spine correctly from it, I still hit way to the right... So much so that I tried arrows that are way over spined and it still spits them to the right every time... So I build out the side plate quite a bit, bare shaft, fletch one up, broadhead tune, and then even paper tune with a bare shaft, and fletched shaft with field tip. When all is coming out consistantly I start to shoot. I may make a slight adjustment in nock point, but usually only minor....
The first time I tried the ACS CX, I was dissapointed. I couldn't hit anything... (I'll back up a bit and say I couldn't spine an arrow either. I shoot 3 fingers under so this may not apply to split finger shooters...) I put a second nock under the arrow and things cleared up dramatically. Like someone turned on a light switch for me!!!!! Started hitting really good...
Still had a problem. The string was hitting my arm something terrible. Actually left lacerations. NOt a bruise, lacerations!!! (see pic below)

Here is what solved the problem... NOw again my shooting style is 3 under and I hold my bow verticle, no cant at all.... I got the 16 riser and had Dan and John put a low wrist grip on it for me. I still keep 2 nock points on the bow, but make them out of serving string. Now this bow is set up for me..... It is the finest shooting bow I've ever had. Seriously. It shoots... Nice thing is I like the way it looks, the way it shoots and the way it feels... My pals have all shot it and to a person everyone of them say the same thing after the first shot, "Man, that is quiet", after the second shot, "Bro. this is the quietest bow I've ever shot!" It literally has ZERO hand shock and is quiet. I know, I've had every longbow and recurve you can think of.. I've owned and shot them all and let me tell you again. This bow is quieter than any I've ever been blessed to shoot..
So that is my take on the ACS. Solve the mystery and you'll have one of the finest bows produced.