Myself and a good friend, also a fellow tradganger(Wihill) went to our local archery range to shoot a round of video archery last night. We come strolling in with our longbow and recurve (proud as peacocks I might add!)to see the whole range is filled with about 40 or so compound shooters that were shootind 3d league. I noticed alot of "looks", some skeptics, and some very curious looks filled the bunch.
We went ahead and started shooting and having a good ol time, and had noticed there a couple of "onlookers" as we were shooting. As the hour went by the crowd of onlookers seem to becoming more and more. At the end of our shooting session we had what had seemed to be 15-20 people that seemed intrested how these 2 traditional guys were managing to shoot with no sights,rangefinders,binos, and realeases. We heard a couple of "nice shots" in the crowd as well as one gentleman that approched us and simply said " congradulations, that is definatly the hard way of doing things, that needs alot of practice...good job".
When we finished up we chatted with another fella that made the switch a couple of times, but is now shooting his compound, but there seemed to be a little fire in his eye when he talked about his recurve. He ended up saying "stop around again".
Were Wihill and myself proud? Thats an understatment! Its good to be a tradionalists!!