I'm shooting with the Eagle's Flight quivers and my Zwickey Delta 4-blades seem to scrunch up the foam pretty bad. Plus the bleeders have to overlap to fit all four arrowheads into the quiver. So, I'm shooting 2-blades out of the bows when using those quivers.
I don't want this to get into a 2-blade vs. anything battle, just wanting to know if there are any other 1 1/2" wide or more heads that are not coming to mind at the moment as I've rolled several tips on the Magnus 1 with contact on the ground.
I know, the head has already done its job by the time it hits the ground, but I'm looking for a bit more durability...
Right now I'm shooting Magnus 1 2-blades, but looking at the Zephyr Sasquatch, and Silver Flame XL. Would really like to get the 2" diameter Silver Flame but they are not being made any longer...