If you have to sell one of your firearms to go, then I wouldn't do it. From a purely practical standpoint, that is an asset that, if need be, could be sold or traded for something you or your family needs in dire circumstances.
Secondly, firearms, like bows, are getting more expensive by the day, and if you want to replace it, it will likely cost you a helluva lot more than $300 to do so.
If you are like me, come six months down the road you will wish you had not gotten rid of it. With a small handful of exceptions, in the 35 some odd years since trading my first gun, I've eventually regretted parting with most.
If you can swing the $300 without selling any property, go for it. If not, pass & stay home...
As far as hunting trips go, I just got a promotion &substantial raise so I can afford to hunt as I please, it just pleases me to spend this off season at home working on bows & new handloads. Still, a mid winter trip down to Texas sounds nice... :D