Here's a few that I thought were interesting. We have had lots of snow and an unfinished housing developement in back of us so the deer pics have been somewhat limited this year. We have a number of the usual suspects but I think these are at least interesting. The first pic is a little dark but shows a doe and yearling sharing some "quality time". The camera is about 50 yards from our house on the opposite side of the brook that goes thru our property and feeds out pond.
One morning I was awoken about 5AM by a pack of coyotes across the pond near our feeder. Apparently this was one of them. I cropped the pic to show him better.
We have a family of gray foxes nearby and this one cooperated.
We have a couple of feeders across the pond. After I filled the one on the right it stopped working properly and dispensed very little corn. So I got one from Cabela's and set it up in the same location. We had about 25 turkeys coming in and one warm day the males were strutting.