Thanks for the nice comments on the Winter 08 Bowyer's Journal, guys. I had lots of help with the Winter issue from several contributing writers and hope to enlist more talented story tellers from the ranks of the magazine's readership and TradGang members in upcoming issues of TradArchers' World. The premier issue of TradArchers' World magazine will be out in early March. As with The Bowyer's Journal, TA World will feature various bow making and traditional archery equipment crafting stories as the "core" of the magazine. Just about anything else we do with our sticks and strings is fair game for stories, too. I want TA World to involve all areas of traditional archery and show the casual reader the great fun we have. Maybe, those readers will think, "Those people really look like they are having fun. I'd like to try that, too!" I will strive to improve the magazine with every issue.