Hey Gang, been nose to the grindstone, literally... Glad to see all the responces and like my other Brother Michael said, this is one that can go on and on. Maybe we can discuss it over some more of that Apple Pie stuff sometime
The pieces in the "hand" picture are what was in the sheep's leg as shown in the first pic. I thought about the point laying on the ground and this sheep somehow getting stuck by it. Not likely, you cannot even imagine all the sharp rock and stuff in this area that these sheep deal with every day of thier lives. There are thousands of tons of shards and chips of flint rock everywhere, it's like walking on acres of broken glass in places.
My other Brother Vance's first theory I hadn't thought of before. I can't imagine after the head hammering the cliff under the sheep that it could detach from the shaft and still be intact enough to penetrate another sheep on a glancing blow.
The only thing I can imagine is my running sheep impaled this other sheep with the point sticking out of his side...
Oh yea Terry the odds of getting that point back are about zip... The guy figures it's a pretty cool trophy
Guess I can't fault him for that...