Well, I really don't know what to think, other than the market will bear, what the market will bear. I have to budget fairly closely in the winter season to make sure the house stays warm, the mortgage gets paid, and I can afford some few select victuals that I dearly love. Yet I do appreciate the fact that someone has the drive to create a $30.00 broadhead, and I will be extremely impressed to see it sell enough to allow for its continued existance.
Now, since I don't intend to go on any expensive hunts for exotic game that would require the use of such a projectile point, it would be silly of me to borrow from the bank to procure said items.
I am a simple hunter of game indigenous to the area in which I abide. Pennsylvania. No two-thousand pound buffalo here.
Yet I hold no condemnation for the guy who yearns for a Purdy shotgun or Bentley automobile, nor do I have any contempt for those who bandy about the Rift in search of large and dangerous game. I fear I would not make them a good companion anyway since I am a curmudgeonous hillbilly at best.
Now.....what was the question?