Well I have owned and shot both. Had a Dauntless that I sold and still kick myself over. Sweet bow. Have a MOAB that is the cat's meow. Don't know if I have shot a bow more accurately in the last several years.
They are really two different kinds of bows. They don't feel the same on the draw or the shot. The MOAB is smooth, but builds weight rapidly and can feel to some like it is more weight. The Dauntless builds at a slower pace and is smooth. The Dwyer might get the nod in the silence department, but set up properly they are both relatively quiet. I would say that, hands down, the MOAB is faster. The MOAB would probably get a slight nod on handshock/vibration after the shot. While people say that they don't have any, all bows have some, either of these two models would have minimal shock and or vibration.