Like it or not, the CWC plans to designate more limited draw units in CO for the upcoming 5-year season structure, 2010-2014. This is a mixed bag, as limited hunts of course are generally better in every way, esp. if you like solitude. But so long as any units remain open for over-the-counter tags, that will force even more hunters into fewer units, exascerbating an already tourblesome overcrowding situation. This is for residents and nonresidents alike. So, if you want to hunt in CO without having to enter a drawing, this year is a good time to get it going, so far as what you have to choose from. I am lobbying to designate the entire state limited. That's the only way DOW can fully control all the moving parts and shift hunters around as necessary to best manage the herds and provide a good hunt op for everyone. But until they get rid of the ATVs in hunting season -- allow them to go nowhere a regular vehicle can't go -- we will continue to experience poorer quality elk hunting here. But that's the same across most of the West, except parts of ID which have already banned motors off roads in some prime units. More than you asked for, but thought some would be interested. dave