Hi Curt, I didn't really have any bad experiences using snuffers so to speak, I did however lose the arrow with the snuffer on it do to the snuffers being the only head that I've ever used that keep on trucking,I know you know what i mean, they penatrate to well on turkeys for me,(they do get the job done) I swithced to the deltas for the extra blade and the fact that i sharpen them different, more with a jagged edge on the main blades,just trying to slow them down a bit and i'm not as heart broken if i lose them!! the only bird i ever lost was my first and i was using two blade heads, my second was two blade head also but had to chase the bird into the next county before gitting him!! the rest have been with snuffers and deltas and the birds dropped on the spot! i'll save the snuffers for bear and deer!!