We have 4 Thundersticks hanging on pegs in our basement. I have 2 MOAB's my first is a very plain and simple 60" 57# bow for hunting. When I ordered it, I told jim nothing fancy cuz its gonna take its lumps in the field. And it has. Fine shooting, hard hitting bow.
My 2nd is another MOAB, 52# 62" beauty.
My wife shoots a 41# Thunderstick III, and my son a 49# Thunderstick Mag.
I can tell you that all are very smooth shooting bows, with outstanding workmanship. They are easy to shoot, and hard hitting fast bows.
Like any bow made, you'll probably find someone that doesnt like them, but in the case of Thunderstick bows, that is rare indeed.
Jim also is a huge supporter of state and national hunting and archery organizations, and has been the PBS Bowyer of the Year several times.