For my rabbit arrows, I want to keep them as cheap as possible. I buy full length feathers (red), cut two 4.5" feathers from each. Once on the shaft, I trim them with a scissors. These big red feathers slow the arrow a little, but at 20-25 yards still have plenty of energy for rabbits.
I also use red spray paint for a crest. Its cheap and makes the arrows very easy to find in the snow.
For the business end, I use steel blunts (again cheap).I take a hacksaw to make a slot/cut 1/4" down the back end, then I peel this away for a little flange on both sides. I have also used Hexblunts and old broadheads. I do not like judos' b/c when shooting into tight brush the springs get tangled and don't make it to the bunny!
chris <><