well I work until 10:30pm, so I am usually up late. I was watching bear hunting videos tonight when I got home. At 1:30am I was gonna go to bed, so I figured I'd let the dog out 1 last time. I always make sure there are no critters in the yard at night before I let him out. He'll try and kill any cats, fox or yote he smells. Anyway I walk out and hear my pidgeions(for training the dog) going nuts. I swing the surefire down to the coop and see a coon trying to get in. I grab my Shrew from above the door and the 2 arrows with it. A stinger and a field point. I run down there and the coon runs about 20' up and small tree and was getting ready to jump onto a huge Black walnut tree. I was 20yds out and came to full draw(shooting in a safe direction). I let the stinger fly and pinned him through the chest into the tree. He struggled a moment before finally pulling the arrow from the tree and falling. he hadn't quite expired yet so I hit him with the FP between the eyes. He slumped right over at that. man is it tough holding a flashlight with your pinky and still keeping good form. I will get pics tomorrow. I am pumped, i was able to help knock down the predator population a bit and add another kill to the shrew.