I had a gun store near me like that. It was open late on Thursdays, and you never knew who might come through the door. Gun writers, benchresters, NRA folks, military and police, it paid to listen. I was there so much you might find me on either side of the counter. I loved to listen to the cop talk, submarine stories, a landing at Anzio and frying eggs on tanks in North Africa, Homer Culver's hunting adventures and machining triumphs, and how he worked on something real secret at the Navy Yard during WWII.
I miss buying a hunting license at a local store.
Thank goodness for the summer shoots. That is the closest I can get to that kind of atmosphere in trad archery. It is not the same, as there is only so much time that you can spend at a booth, so the time needed to establish the trust and rapport that will lead to the best stories and lessons cannot be put in. But the time on the range, in camp and around the fires, and seeing the same craftsmen and competitors year after year has its rewards.
Stories get told and made, friendships evolve, and thanks to sites like this, they continue and grow. The old core of the "Bench Bunch" still meets on Thursdays, but there isn't any "show and tell" of firearms at the bar! :eek:
Treasure your hometown shops and clubs, gather and support them. I sure miss the one that I had.
Killdeer~ Founder and Whipper-In, Chagrined Again Hunting Club