So I made a great find at the local Goodwill store last week.
A double cape Makinaw red plaid wool hunting coat. The Only label on it says "Soo Woolen Mills".
Well the minute I pulled it off the hanger I about dropped it. That's a whole lotta wool!
So I tried it on, it fit, I ran to the cash register to pay my $9.99. I took it home and weighed it, it weighed 6 pounds!
After picking it up from the drycleaners I couldn't find any flaws. The Double cape runs from the chest over the shoulders all the down the back. Wore it in some sub-zero weather, and it is a TANK.
Yesterday I went in to the local sporting goods retailer, and wandered over to the Filson corner to look at the Makinaw I've wanted for years. Well the wool in my old "Soo" is double the thickness of the Filson. So now I'm really pumped up about my find.
I searched and searched the internet for the Soo Woolen Mills in Sault Ste Marie, Michigan. Very little found, except that they went out of business in the '50's. Can this coat really be pushing 60 years old?
Can any of my fellow Michiganders or Trad Gang wool masters offer any info on my new find?
I'd love to know more.