A friend lent my son one of those green glass bows they use in schools. He hated it. Another lent him one of those wheel bows, Genesis, and he hated it. (trad to the core - chip off the old block). I got a ragim vector 25 @ 24. He draws about 22. Then I got some kids arrows from 3 Rivers and he loved it. ragim makes a lighter vector and they are a straight shooter and under $100 new. Now he likes to shoot my Wing Falcon recurve which is 25@ 28 but a totally smooth shooter. Bow is taller than he is so he keeps going back to the ragim. It just goes easier and you save time and money getting the right thing.
I've spoken to Mike at Maddog terrific guy and that's the next step.
Quinn archery also has some terrific kids bows, and all their bows are low price for the value and great shooters.
Kids need success, and if he's struggling to pull the thing, much less to hit the target, or the arrows bounce off the target, they get discouraged fast. Can just see it on his face