I was hanging a treestand in the fall of 2006 with my life long friend and needless to say I was sucking wind big time. I had gained weight steadily over the last 5 years and was just over 300 lbs. I commented that I need to lose some weight and he kind of said ya that might not be a bad idea.
In the fall of 2007 we again found ourselves moving treestand around and again after a short time hanging a stand I was sucking wind again…I again stated that I needed to lose some weight. He pointed out that this was the second year he had heard this.
So in late December of that year he handed me an envelope and said when you get home read it and let me know what you think…okay this ought to be interesting. About 2 days later I opened it up and inside was a contract to lose weight…it stated that I had made reference to the fact I needed to lose some weight and this was an incentive. I didn’t need a reason but this was what it stated. Basically over the next 6 months he would pay me $5 dollars for every pound I took off up to 50 lbs and $7 dollars per pound if I went over 50 lbs. There was a payout if I maintain this weight loss for 18 months and so on…it potentially could be some big money. I agreed reluctantly since I shouldn’t need a reason to better my health and the next time I saw him (01-01-08) I weighed in and signed the contract…I didn’t do much that at first but then my wife and I joined Weight Watchers and the weight started to come off.
Here is a before picture July of 2007:
Here is a after picture July of 2008:
Well needless to say the weight continued to come off and I’ve lost a total of 70 lbs (wife has lost 27) and this is an updated photo, almost exactly a year after the first. Both were taken in July of 2007 and 2008.
So I decided to return the favor for the incentive to lose weight and had a bow made for him…he has shot compounds with fingers so I hope the transition will be smooth. He has said he doesn’t have time but I know for a fact that 30 arrows a night will make you a good shot with proper fundamentals, which he has. So I’m going to challenge him to make the switch to the better side of bowhunting, traditional archery. I switched from a release and compound to fingers with stick and string in 2007 and have never looked back.
I bough a wicked piece of Myrtle and a really nice piece of curly Claro Walnut (Marcus is hobby woodworker and loves Claro Walnut) and then we added some Osage of my parents farm. JD at Whisperstik whipped this beauty up for me.
Bow in next post…sorry had to.
Figured I'd throw this in because I know better: