Hmmm. Down is fine, but synthetic is good too.
A good down bag used to cost FAR more than a good synthetic. Today its not so bad, but still they are more expensive, what you get is lighter weight and packability.
I feel the packability is a non-issue as i cannot carry my backpack if i fill it completely.. Weight however,
-will you walk or camp?
-what night temperatures do you expect?
Ive spent 100s (sometimes 100 a year) nights in sleeping bags. Mostly in synthetic, and mostly between -10 and 10 deg C.
- Sleeping bags are NEVER as warm as the producer claims.
- freezing at night sucks, big time
- Sometimes they DO get wet
- Down really shines when DAMN cold, as in the arctic
- too warm a bag is bad too, but not as bad as too cold
- do not dress up inside, wool underwear is fine if cold, not more
- a silk liner (that you can wash after every trip) will make the bag last
- be sure it has a hood
- if cold sleep with a wool cap on your head
- a thick closed cell mat under, always, branches and stuff under that will help
- you will not regret carrying a tent, bigger is better, unless very cold, and , will you walk or camp? Ive had several Ajungilak sleeping bags and swear by them, but there are many good brands. The Swiss brands are usually good for such equipment too. I dont know US brands (but the US stuff sold in Europe is often crap. sorry ) In Europe there is a test standard for bags, some US bags may be marked by that. Even in our mild UK climate i've seen fit and healthy men
UK may be mild but it is f.. wet and damp, i much prefer cold weather to wet weather.