For now I'm one of the lucky ones and still working (that could change tomorrow though). I still put in for Utah Elk since I have the points, I'll be putting in for New Mexico Elk as well. I'm going on a DIY cow elk/spike bull hunt in Washington with some friends in November, and I'm going to (hopefully) spend some of my California points this year. I figure my draw chances might be a bit better this year...we'll see if that works out or not.
Of course that all can change depending on my personal economy but I am not going to let that stop me from planning and dreaming.
If I can't go then I'll be hunting my local private land access either through my relative, friends, or Wilderness Unlimited for my usual deer, pigs, turkeys...which I do anyway.
I probably won't go the outfitter route as I like to DIY. I like to plan, read the maps, do the research, etc and put my hunt together.
On the other hand, I am cutting non essential spending and trying to make the dollar go further so I can go hunting.