Doeboy, Saw some primitive arrows once that had them, thought they looked cool, so that's how I make mine...
Gaff, No never even shot one, just make them to give away....I will someday though....
Ishi, The copperhead arrow point(big tan one) is still from a bunch Danny Rowan sent me a while back(that one's heading west). The Cottonmouth arrow with the wide point was knapped by Linc and that's the one for the JLMBH.
The other Cottonmouth arrow with the narrow head was knapped by one of the inspectors Dad's on the job I was on last year. He gave it to me with the stipulation that when I use it, I send him some pix....that's what I'm doing tomorrow.....
You're welcome Serg, still owe ya for the lags bud....
Thanx fellas...wish I had more time to make them...