I like practical things. I long ago learned that "wrapping" my carbons made my feathers bound better. I've tried it all, even electrical tape, but so far, nothing beats this 3M reflective tape, and here is why.
I left a quickee quiver in a tree 250 yards from the back of my mom and dad's house - and that night I shined a light up into the field towards it and my 3 arrows with 3M reflective tape lit up like flashlighs shining back at me, exactly what they suppose to do.
My theory is that in the past when I've had a hard time finding my arrow, pass through, broken off, missed, lost ... or even a down deer that has an arrow still in it - looking for that arrow that has that tape on it at night might make a world of differnce, you know?
Fletchtite makes a great bond with feathers to it, its not expensive really ..... just thought I'd share what I found. Crowns/caps/crestings are gorgeous and I admire them greatly, arrow wraps work but are sometimes pricey and not as durable or as shiny as I like .... but like I said, I'm practical and these work for me.
Here is an example of how they shine