Still have the first two bows I ever made. Both 55@28 Longbows, Shedua riser, maple lams, with black bowtuff glass back and belly. Made them in the summer of 1978. Both Bingham Projects 72" designs.
Then went on to produce around 140 or so longbows of my own design. Stopped making them in early 80's when personal finances got in trouble.
Have been considering starting the business back up, but as of yet haven't done it.
Also still have the first three bows I ever owned.
My first a 15# hickory flatbow I was given at age 5
Second a 40# fiberglass bow at age 7.
Third a 45# bear Kodiak my Father bought me at age 7. I believe it is a 1955 model. And I hunted with it till I was 12 and moved up to a 50# Kodiak.
I guess these bows are the reason I've always shot heavy draw weights. When you learn to pull them at a young age you develop the shoulder muscles early.