Thank you for the feedback men!
Those are some incredible tusks on that boar Metsastaja! Age is probably an important factor to tusk growth as well, but unless their teeth behave like beavers' they probably reach maximum growth and don't just keep growinn', but I am just guessin' since that is what I am trying to learn about in this thread.
David, thanks for your info that 5+ yr old hogs probably have maximum tusk size.
Chris O. - the effect of habitat on tusk length certainly could play a role as well.
VG - I had never heard that tusks might be considered milk teeth and that they might be dropped. I have seen old domestic hogs with tusks occasionally, but they seem to be the exception which brings me back to genetics as a determinant for tusks and tusk size.
Hopefully, someone can chyme in and provide some more information on HOG tusks.
Thanks again gentlemen!
Shoot straight, Shinken