My 2 cents- There is few things better than to have your stand set, so you can get to it quietly and scent free when hunting. However, do to alot of problems, more and more public places are getting away from legality, from hunters leaving stands up, (you always have someone still doing it). I had a situation where I walked in on my stand, and sure enough there was a hunter in it. I Politely asked the gentleman if he knew who stand it was and what was he doing in it. After the stories flew, I asked him if he would step down and look at the lower stand rail, and read me the name I had engraved on it. He knew right away that I was the owner, There was my name, address and phone number on the stand and the stick ladder, for my own protetion and DNR's. I explained after he came down and this is how I feel to this day. "This is public property, but that stand and ladder is mine." "I you was to bring a stand in and set it up next to me, you have every right to do so, though we would likely mess each others hunts up. But, this is public property". He was young, and trying to learn on his own. Few days later I got in my stand before light, and when the sun came up, there he was in another tree, 10 yards away. After while we got down, and I asked if he seen the Buck behind him, he said no. I then explained why, and gave him some guidance, we still hunt together once and while. No, I am not a saint, I was aggrivated, but at the same time, I found that it was better to use honey than vinger to get my point across. Like I said, it is public property, and when we leave a stand up, it is like leaving our bow leaning against a tree (yes, I have seen a few guys do this). We are begging someone to come and take it. It is a pain, but unless you are willing to loose the stand, (had a few stolen), that is the chance we are taking. Lock's are made to keep honest people, honest. If somone wants it bad enough, they will get it. On another note, a buddy of mine had some property he owned, and only he and I could hunt it. close to shotgun season we found 4 stands hanging and locked on his property. he was mad and I said, look we will leave a note on them, and explain they are on your property and if not gone in a few days, then we will take them. We left the notes on three, one had a number engraved, we called it and explained to the guy, and he apoligized and took his stand down that night. A week later another was gone and two still there. We cut the locks, left a note pined to the tree where they could get them. The other two stands my buddy still has, no one came and got them. They guy that took his stand down that night, became good friends with us, and even took my friend elk hunting few times. just examples.