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Author Topic: If you put a stand on public land, is it still your stand?  (Read 3992 times)

Offline bentpole

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Re: If you put a stand on public land, is it still your stand?
« Reply #40 on: February 23, 2009, 06:54:00 PM »
Here in Jersey a stand wouldn't last a week on State land or private property, chained up or not. Battery Sawzalls and bolt cutters. Just the way some folks are. If you put up a stand on State Land with the intention of leaving it for ease of getting in and hunting in a premo spot you have to expect that.I've had folks in my tree[no stand] follow my brighteyes trail to my tree  after I spent the time scouting and picking the tree. I would have said "Hey Buddy that's my tree stand your in" he would have said "prove it". You better have your name engraved in it or your name and address taped to it in a hidden spot. Then make sure your perfectly legal for leaving it up withscrew in steps before you call the game warden or police.

Offline The Vanilla Gorilla

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Re: If you put a stand on public land, is it still your stand?
« Reply #41 on: February 23, 2009, 07:00:00 PM »
This is kind of like leaving a $100 laying out somewhere and expecting it to be there when you get back. Nobody should have any reasonable expectation of protection on public land.

It makes 'those' people wonder, "Is it abandoned or did someone forget where they put it?  Screw it, I'll take it anyway.."

Some places have time limits as to how long something can be sitting unused before it is considered abandoned.

Offline Buckeye Trad Hunter

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Re: If you put a stand on public land, is it still your stand?
« Reply #42 on: February 23, 2009, 07:10:00 PM »
The stand was still your stand and they shouldn't have taken it, period!  :banghead:   Unfortunatly it's just like you said, shame on you for leaving it out in these days and times and having faith in other people.  Sadly, there aren't many like us left.   :(

Offline Bear Heart

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Re: If you put a stand on public land, is it still your stand?
« Reply #43 on: February 23, 2009, 08:27:00 PM »
Let's examine one more thing. WHY HUNT OUT OF A STAND THAT HAS BEEN HANGING THERE FOR TWO YEARS.  I value my life a little more than that.  As someone pointed out etiquette might differ depending on what region you are in.  I never see anyone by my stand areas.  Definitely no hikers.  But I live out west where public land is huge.  I don't give a crap if my stand is used.  Just respect it and the area.  I have always dreamed about catching someone stealing a car or something else that doesn't belong to them so that I could throw them a beating like they do on Cops.  "Sir, stop resisting."
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Offline Mo. Huntin

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Re: If you put a stand on public land, is it still your stand?
« Reply #44 on: February 23, 2009, 08:49:00 PM »
I think the game warden would have taken it here if you left it after the season.  I would not dream of sitting in someone elses stand, and I sure as h#%# would not take it.  People can get killed over stuff like this granted more likely with guns.  I had guys in my stand and they where 25 feet off the ground with the platform locked up so some idiot climbed on to the seat and let his feet dangle 25feet in the air.  This is a real hot button for me, I would like to rant more but every one else already said it all.

Offline gregg dudley

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Re: If you put a stand on public land, is it still your stand?
« Reply #45 on: February 23, 2009, 09:14:00 PM »
These threads really illustrate regional differences.  I don't mind treestands being left in the woods and I don't really think they clutter htings up at all.  What I hate is surveyors tape.  That is how people say "back up it's mine" in public land around here.

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Offline No-sage

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Re: If you put a stand on public land, is it still your stand?
« Reply #46 on: February 23, 2009, 09:35:00 PM »
On public land, a left treestand is like reserving the piece.  If you need a reserved piece, go buy it.

I wouldn't take your stand or hunt from it, but if I wanted to hunt in that spot I would.  I own it as much as you do.

I pull every piece of surveyors tape I see too.  Thats just like tossing trash.

Offline TNstickn

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Re: If you put a stand on public land, is it still your stand?
« Reply #47 on: February 23, 2009, 09:43:00 PM »
In TN you gotta have your name and lic.# clearly posted on your stand. New regs as of last year say you cant leave your stand on a tree more than 48 hrs on the WMAs. You should always lock your foot locker!! LOL
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Offline wollybear

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Re: If you put a stand on public land, is it still your stand?
« Reply #48 on: February 23, 2009, 09:50:00 PM »
i live in ohio, the game warden has said that it is puplic land their for if is on puplic land it is up for graps. he said most hunters will leave it alone but they do not have to. it is best to take it with you.

Offline huntingwolf

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Re: If you put a stand on public land, is it still your stand?
« Reply #49 on: February 23, 2009, 10:00:00 PM »
I hunt 95% of the time on puplic land nd I do not personaly leave my stands on these properties because I know that they more than likely would not be there upon my return. But on the same note I would not take another persons propertry because when you get right down to it that is stealing and any one with a counsuos knows that is plain wrong. As far as using the stand we get into the area of if every one did this it would be like staking claims to hunting areas that are for the most part allready very limited in this would not be fair etheir

Offline Brian Krebs

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Re: If you put a stand on public land, is it still your stand?
« Reply #50 on: February 23, 2009, 10:52:00 PM »
When you take something that does not belong to you; and you know it belongs to someone else: it is stealing.

 So it seems like treestand theft is a major problem. So what happens to people that are caught stealing treestands?  

Anybody heard of anyone being prosecuted for it ?

Offline Nakohe

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Re: If you put a stand on public land, is it still your stand?
« Reply #51 on: February 23, 2009, 11:13:00 PM »
In Texas you can not leave them out. You have to bring them out after every hunt or the GW will take them down. And some WMA's do not allow any.
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Online toddster

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Re: If you put a stand on public land, is it still your stand?
« Reply #52 on: February 24, 2009, 12:28:00 AM »
My 2 cents-  There is few things better than to have your stand set, so you can get to it quietly and scent free when hunting.  However, do to alot of problems, more and more public places are getting away from legality, from hunters leaving stands up, (you always have someone still doing it).  I had a situation where I walked in on my stand, and sure enough there was a hunter in it.  I Politely asked the gentleman if he knew who stand it was and what was he doing in it.  After the stories flew, I asked him if he would step down and look at the lower stand rail, and read me the name I had engraved on it.  He knew right away that I was the owner, There was my name, address and phone number on the stand and the stick ladder, for my own protetion and DNR's.  I explained after he came down and this is how I feel to this day.  "This is public property, but that stand and ladder is mine."  "I you was to bring a stand in and set it up next to me, you have every right to do so, though we would likely mess each others hunts up.  But, this is public property".  He was young, and trying to learn on his own.  Few days later I got in my stand before light, and when the sun came up, there he was in another tree, 10 yards away.  After while we got down, and I asked if he seen the Buck behind him, he said no.  I then explained why, and gave him some guidance, we still hunt together once and while.  No, I am not a saint, I was aggrivated, but at the same time, I found that it was better to use honey than vinger to get my point across.  Like I said, it is public property, and when we leave a stand up, it is like leaving our bow leaning against a tree (yes, I have seen a few guys do this).  We are begging someone to come and take it.  It is a pain, but unless you are willing to loose the stand, (had a few stolen), that is the chance we are taking.  Lock's are made to keep honest people, honest.  If somone wants it bad enough, they will get it.  On another note, a buddy of mine had some property he owned, and only he and I could hunt it.  close to shotgun season we found 4 stands hanging and locked on his property.  he was mad and I said, look we will leave a note on them, and explain they are on your property and if not gone in a few days, then we will take them.  We left the notes on three, one had a number engraved, we called it and explained to the guy, and he apoligized and took his stand down that night.  A week later another was gone and two still there.  We cut the locks, left a note pined to the tree where they could get them.  The other two stands my buddy still has, no one came and got them.  They guy that took his stand down that night, became good friends with us, and even took my friend elk hunting few times.  just examples.

Offline KSdan

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Re: If you put a stand on public land, is it still your stand?
« Reply #53 on: February 24, 2009, 01:40:00 AM »
Though I do not like the fact that someone took your stand or sat in your stand, I am DEEPLY opposed to anyone leaving stands on public ground when they are not hunting in it.  

I see guys cover the public grounds with stands as if they claim that "public" site as their own.  Then if someone hunts it they complain.  

I actually think it is unethical to claim public ground by putting your stand there, then maybe coming back once or twice a season.      

Modern equipment makes it VERY easy to hunt very portable.  I never leave a stand in the woods- even on private ground.  The worse thing in the world to me is to find a hot spot only to look up and see a chain or steps in the tree as if it belonged to someone else.  You do not even know if the guy will/or has been there the entire season.
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Bears can attack people- although fewer people have been killed by bears than in all WWI and WWII combined.

Offline fido dog

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Re: If you put a stand on public land, is it still your stand?
« Reply #54 on: February 24, 2009, 02:12:00 AM »
There are no 2 ways in my mind. It's stealing.........period.
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Offline Boom Stick

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Re: If you put a stand on public land, is it still your stand?
« Reply #55 on: February 24, 2009, 03:08:00 AM »
I know who Fedor is!  The good thing is that he hunts with his bare hands.  He's not likely to take your stand.  If he does,  just let him have it and walk away.

Offline Brian Krebs

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Re: If you put a stand on public land, is it still your stand?
« Reply #56 on: February 24, 2009, 03:09:00 AM »
     I can only assume that where you are there are lots of hunters. Here where I am; the spring bear hunt is any weapon; so I am dealing with rifle hunters that see my truck parked- and are driving all over where they are not supposed to on their ATVs.
  Its normally for me - here in Idaho; to have one person; every once and a while: that decides to hunt- by using my stands over my bait.
  I leave my stand there all season; because I have to sneak in and out; and its a long walk in with bait each evenings hunt.
  I hunt over 60 days in the spring hunt. I drive from home 10.5 miles to where I park.
  I am not going to carry my stand into the bait everyday; and I am in grizzly country; I have seen them at my bait. So; the thought of taking the stand down in the dark has an additional burden of danger: than perhaps you encounter- where you hunt.
  I disagree that its unethical to claim public ground [by putting my stand next to my bait].
  I pay a fee for tags which are to be attached to a tree close to the bait. They are plastic lock-on tags.
  So; paying a fee; being required by law to tag my bait... well.. leaving my stand there is not pretentious.
  Now legally anyone can shoot bears off my bait; I do not own the woods; but I do have an ethical reason to leave my stand there. I pay for the bait; I pay for the gas to get there; I pay for the bait tag; I have to seal it to a tree- I am pretty tied to that spot.

  And where I hunt - finding ONE tree that is perfect for the bait is a challenge. In fact I put my bait where a tree that will hide me: and then I put a stand in it and hunt the bait.
  Now too - keep this in mind... in this state there are outfitters who operate on federal land. They put their camps up year after year; decade after decade in the same spots; for all the bow and rifle seasons.
 And for decades upon decades they put bait out in the same place.
  Their living; and the happiness of their clients - is dependent on having a spot; knowing that spot; and using it every year - on public land: that you and I both own.
 Is that ethical? I think so.

  I have always hunted bears where there are other hunters. I have hunted in areas along with hound hunters; and rifle hunters; and muzzleloader hunters.

  Here at least; it is rare that we have conflict over bait sites. Last year there were at least 2 other bear baits going in the area I hunted in. I stop by their camps on the way out and we talk bears. I have met many really wonderful people and their families up to hunt here for the first time- or many generations.

  I have stalked up on bears - trophy bears; while spot and stalking; and realized the bear was on someones bait- and I backed out of the area and shot opportunity.  

  But when a person knows of my success with bears; and that person decides to not hunt bears; but hunt my bait and stands-- well it just does not fit in here.
  Perhaps with all the stand thefts; and what I perceive of as little to no attempts to catch or charge the stand thieves - I live in a little different world.

  So many times we get into discussions and sharpen each other swords on issues- when the factors surrounding the issues: are different for us.
  When all along- we are ethical beings - being ethical in accordance with our local situations.

 Theft though: is theft.

Offline Boom Stick

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Re: If you put a stand on public land, is it still your stand?
« Reply #57 on: February 24, 2009, 03:17:00 AM »
If it's not yours,  don't take it.

If it is yours,  tell that guy to move his arse!

Offline Plumber

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Re: If you put a stand on public land, is it still your stand?
« Reply #58 on: February 24, 2009, 05:24:00 AM »
If I see a stand Ill stay away from it cause the guy might not know how to hunt. he may start smoking. talkin on a cell phone. or he may just be noisy. sometimes if I go on a eveing hunt an its dark when I leave an Iam going to hunt there the next moring I will leave my stand. the chances of someone finding it are slim. If someone sets up on top of me befor I get there.Ill just leave. however if they are in my stand they WILL becomeing out.If you do leave your stand you gotta deal with whatever comes with that . however Stealing is Stealing thank god this is not a yearly problem it dose go on from time to time

Offline GingivitisKahn

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Re: If you put a stand on public land, is it still your stand?
« Reply #59 on: February 24, 2009, 06:53:00 AM »
I agree with the 'theft is theft' people.  It sounds like we all agree that it's wrong to steal a treestand.

The other side of the coin though, is that leaving your stand up on public land can be just as wrong.  That other guy out there (assuming he's a taxpaying citizen like you are) has every bit as much right to those good spots as you have *but* when you mark your spot with a stand (or tape, as I've learned on this thread - weird), I'll argue that you are stealing his access to that bit of public land.

IMO, taking something that isn't yours - a treestand or exclusive access to public land - is wrong.

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