Some time back, I was lucky enough to get a copy of an old video on bowmaking titled "How to Make a Longbow - and Live to Tell About It". The bowyer was Louie Armbruster, who apparently worked out of Petosi, Wisconsin. The video was made in 1988. Basically, someone just filmed Louie making a bow. There are a number of holes left in the process, which is frustrating, but I was very impressed with him and how he went about his bowmaking.
At the time of the video, he appeared to be in his mid to late 60's. He claimed to have made many thousands of longbows, and he surely did have popping them out down to a system. He called his bows "Zebra Longbows", and they are a basic Hill style.
Watching this video made me think a lot of watching the Dan Quillian video on how to shoot... just very basic, down to earth old guys who had been doing what they did for a lifetime and were willing to share it.
I'm wondering if there are any old timers on here who knew Armbruster, were familiar with his work or have one of his bows. I'd just like to get more info about the guy. Heck, he could still be around, I suppose, though I haven't heard his name in the five years I've been shooting, other than on this video, which I don't even remember where I got... I think in a batch of vids sold on the auction place that were just labeled "archery videos".
Any info appreciated.