Hey Brad,
Hmmmm,...laffs... hand eye coordination, mind body coordination, muscle memory, unconscious mobility (ie. sleep walking) & so on. A chicken can run quite well without a head for a brief time...LOL.
So yes, I do agree with you regarding mind body coordination repetition can indeed render an action seemingly thoughtless on the surface. But I feel it too simplistic to assume all actions require a thought process. Touch a hot stove & your body will respond without thought, but by instinctive reaction. Even though all muscles require a nerve stimulus to "move".
I could argue that training & practice, the muscles training the mind, so to speak, could determine whether one shoots left or right handed.
Switching back & forth between left & right may indeed cause "all kinds of problems", but not to nearly the extent of frustration that a left handed person experiences every day in a right handed world. But by a certain age, you adapt to what is. Now whether this causes "problems" or "enhances" one's abilities could be argued endlessly & may well be dependant on the individual.
So in closing, I will say that I do not believe that "mind/body coordinates every waking minute to do everything cross dominant" as it assumes there is the same dominant side for all activities. Just because most people have a dominant side for most things, does not mean all people do. Hitting a tennis ball with either hand was no different to hitting a baseball from either side. There is no preference, other than situational.
Interesting discussion, I won't go into switching dominant eye for now as I've not been very successful so far, but I have been experimenting!...laffs.. But I will say I can see both. I could likely describe how to do that if you're interested.
All the best - Q.