I use a large bench stone for all of my sharpening. Broadheads,Knives,Axes,etc.
It has a Med. grit side and a Fine grit side,and is about 2" wide and 8" long. I don't use any oil,just water.I dip the stone in water for a few minutes and let it soak up a bunch.After I'm done sharpening,I run the stone under the sink faucet and scrub it with a potato brush to clean it off. I have been using this stone for over 30 years.
You want a sharpening tip????? Let the stone do it's job!!!!! Everyone I have seen that has problems sharpening,seems to mash the knife/broadhead/whatever down on the stone to make it bite more.
Take your time,Let the stone do it's job. The answer is more strokes,not more pressure.