Originally posted by whitebuffalo: whatcha shoot there bud?? nice shooting and nice shirt,,those are really nice,They make you look ten pounds thiner,,LOL,JB
Originally posted by Whip: The trash sure is sad to see. I honestly can't understand what some people must be thinking when they leave trash lay like that.
Originally posted by Whip: The trash sure is sad to see. I honestly can't understand what some people must be thinking when they leave trash lay like that.Looking at the deer from another angle, maybe you just weren't the first to find it laying there dead. Someone else may have cut them off after finding it. I did that on a nice elk that I found and I hope if someone else finds it they don't think it was shot just for the antlers. The area I found the elk in is a youth only area for rifle, so I often wonder if it was shot by some kid who will live with that nightmare for the rest of his life.