I tip my hat to all of you out there this season...
Those carrying recurves, longbows and flatbows. Those shooting wood bows, and those bows of fiberglass, carbon, and foam.
Those who shoot wood, aluminum, and carbon. Those who shoot 2, 3, and 4 fletch. Those who shoot feathers and those who shoot vanes, of any size.
Those who shoot high foc and low foc. Those who shoot single-beveled heads, and those who shoot double. Those who love 2, 3, and 4 blades. Cut-on-contact, or modular chisel, I tip my hat to you.
To those who stand fast to tried and true gear, and to those who will forever tinker to find something better, I tip my hat.
To those who wear camo, and those who wear plaid. To those who stalk, and those who sit. Treestand or blind. Public or private. Big game, small game, birds, and exotics. Once-in-a-lifetime dream hunts or deer in the back 40. North, south, east, west, and everywhere in between.
To all of you, the fair chase, legal hunter who hunts hard and shoots straight, I tip my hat. For you are my brother, you are my sister, and I look forward to meeting you on the trail...