I originally ordered a Super Shrew, 62" which is the length I was accustomed to shooting ... just loved the looks of the bow and wanted one mostly for that reason, having never shot one or even seen one in person. But during the long wait, as I watched these posts as you are doing, Rob, and talking to everyone with any Shrew experience, and most importantly talking on the phone with Ron, I became convinced that the Classic Hunter was just as lovely and shot just as well as the SS, and Ron himself had said believes his best all-around hunting bow is the CH. So I changed my order to a 54" CH. Subsequently, I learned that all the glowing claims -- most from owners, few from Shrew, who doesn't need to wave their own flag -- were true and better. Better yet, aside from looks and charismatic shooting personality, I fell in love with the shortness of this bow, to the point I'll never hunt with a full-length bow again. So I ordered a second, almost identical CH, but this one a take-down. My advice is to go all the way with whichever design you decide on, and get a take-down and any other "fancies" you fancy the first time around, at least if you ever fly and want to maximize an already high resale value. I have not shot a Shrew recurve but knowing Gregg Coffey, The Bowyer, as I now do, it seems certain they must also be absolutely top-flight. Enjoy the wait as best you can. Consider it an engagement. Dave