I've given my little shoulder talk a bunch of times here but I'm glad to do so again. The first thing you need is a diagnosis. There are many potential causes of shoulder pain in this setting and the outlook and treatment options vary considerably. This can usually be obtained simply by a good examination in the office by an experienced physician. Plain x-rays usually don't help much; MRI's are accurate but expensive, but shouldn't be necessary unless a problem demanding surgery seems likely. Your problem may indeed be due to a rotator cuff injury (or simple tendonitis of the cough), although there are other possibilities including degenerative arthritis, impingement syndrome etc.If you can lift your hand all the way up over your head you don't have a complete rotator cuff tear and a trial of conservative (non-surgical) therapy is always reasonable: gentle range of motion exercises, strict avoidance of heavy overhead lifting, heat, and over the counter anti-inflammatories like ibuprofen. If you have lost significant range of motion in the arm, a more serious problem is likely. Surgery may be required, and the sooner the better to avoid "frozen shoulder". Get it looked at, and let us know how your hunting season goes! Cheers, Don