I had two larger bear cubs 2 feet from me last time I went, didn't see momma. I was leaning against a tree while my partner was calling behind me. After sniffing my daypack, I shoo'ed them off, them went over to where Jim way laying along a deadfall, and licked his boot. He kicked the bear in the nose, and all hell broke loose. The bear cubs took off bawling, the elk busted out of the brush, as did momma bear, we all departed the opposite direction. It was a hoot!
I didnt know we were heading to the area we were, and I had left my .45 and my camera in camp. That bench is a great spot to see bears, thick cover surrounding several water holes.
I carry a .45 as there are a lot of bears in the area we hunt, and mountain lions in the area, so its a good insurance policy. Jim has had cats sneak in on him before while cow calling, and we had a cat take down a muley buck 300 yds from camp one year. We spotted coyotes feeding on the carcass. Cat broke the bucks neck. Tracks showed it was a female with a cub, probably teaching jr. the tricks of the trade.
After I saw that, I started carrying a sidearm.I know lots of guys do not,and several who do. If it never comes out of the holster, thats fine with me.