I am new to this site and relatively new to trad bowhunting, I have toyed with it off and on but last year sold my compound and jumped in feet first. I have been reading, shooting, asking questions but I must say, today I learned more in one hour by stopping by and shooting with Vermonster13 than I have ever. In his backyard he watched my form, tuned my Widow and had me shooting arrows touching at ten yards, then 12, then 15, then almost 20! In addition to this he gave me two handmade quivers for the stepsons, one half dozen arrows, and a bow for the boys. This gent knows how to shoot, knows how to teach and most importantly does everything he can unselfishly to help kids get into archery. My hat is off to you my friend, you epitomize what sportsmen should be, no matter what facet of it they love.