Tug Hill is a different story too. They get alot of snow, and the topography is different. No where I know inside the blue line is there deer hunting like you see on the horn porn channels. this is big wild country that affords you the chance to have a true wilderness hunting experience in the north east. Deer have a tough life here, and there aren't the numbers their are elsewhere. But being able to set up camp and having 6 million acres to roam, in areas that you feel barely ever see another human is a great experience..... the further north you go, say above blue mountain, the even colder it gets. The area between Caroga Lake and Blue Mountain (Speculator, Piseco, Indian Lake, route 10,8, and 30,) are less traveled, beautiful country. And when your there, stop in the Bear Trap in Indian Lake for a cold one and a view of the real local color.