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Author Topic: Morrison Limb-Riser combos  (Read 2733 times)

Online Burnsie

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Morrison Limb-Riser combos
« on: March 03, 2009, 06:38:00 PM »
I have been toying with the idea of a Morrison Cheyenne for some time, and have been checking the charts on the web site for riser-limb combos.
I'm sure most everyone here knows you can achieve a given bow length with a number of different combinations. (58" bow= "A"riser-"C"limbs, or "B"riser-"B"limbs, or "C"riser-"A"limbs) My question is, what's the best way to go - a short riser and long limbs or long riser and short limbs. I've always heard having more working limb is the way to go, and according to the chart the recommended draw length goes up with longer limbs too.
If buying a new one I guess you would just have Bob build the bow to your desired draw weight regardless of what riser-limb combo you decide on. But if I piece one together, either used or from the in-stock risers and limbs how do you allow for the weight differences.  I assume a 50# set limbs on an "A" riser is going to pull a different weight than if they were mounted on a "C" riser.  Is the stated weight accurate if the limbs and riser letter match? A-A, B-B...etc or is there a rule of thumb for adding or subtracting weight depending on the combo.
A lot of questions, I know, but I just want to have it all figured out before I pull the trigger.
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Re: Morrison Limb-Riser combos
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2009, 06:46:00 PM »
They all pull the same regardless of riser length. The limb bed angles change to allow this. Get one with a site window big enough for your shooting style and the mass weight you like. I prefer A risers with longer limbs personally(a little quicker with longer limbs compared to longer riser on the same length bow).
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Re: Morrison Limb-Riser combos
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2009, 08:06:00 PM »
Thanks David
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Re: Morrison Limb-Riser combos
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2009, 08:51:00 PM »
I'm with David. I like the A-riser with D-limbs which makes a 60" bow. I shot a set of shorter limbs and liked the longer ones better.
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Re: Morrison Limb-Riser combos
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2009, 09:09:00 PM »
I will agree with the short riser and longer limbs, I prefer the "A" riser and "D" limbs as well. My draw length is not that long 27 1/2 inches but I like the stability and smooth draw of the longer limbs.
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Re: Morrison Limb-Riser combos
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2009, 09:29:00 PM »
I too have an "A" riser, with "D" limbs on order....time can't go fast enough now.....

I've had the "B" riser, the "A" riser just fits me better

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Re: Morrison Limb-Riser combos
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2009, 10:02:00 PM »
I have both "A" and "B" risers in the Cheyenne model as well as "C" and "D" limbs. Like several of the other guys, my favorite combination is the "A" riser with the "D" limbs. I prefer the foam core limbs. My draw length is 29 1/2". I also like the low grip on the Morrison risers, although I have as many of the risers with medium grips as I do the low grips, and the mediums are very nice too.

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Re: Morrison Limb-Riser combos
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2009, 10:16:00 PM »

if you have a longer draw length go with the longer limbs(a-b riser, c-d limbs). if you have a short draw go with the shorter limbs(a-b riser, a-b limbs). The beauty of the morrison line of bows is the ability to have a short bow with long working limbs for hunting and 3d shoots.

Online Burnsie

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Re: Morrison Limb-Riser combos
« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2009, 10:22:00 PM »
Sounds like "A" and "D" might be the ticket. I'm going to see if Bob is planning to be at Compton or Cloverdale and give them a test drive.
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Re: Morrison Limb-Riser combos
« Reply #9 on: March 03, 2009, 10:30:00 PM »
I have had the A, B and C risers and have had the D,E and F limbs in the Dakota and B and D in the recurve on the Shawnee and Cheyenne.I guess you could say I like all of them for different reasons.

I draw 30 inches and like the A and B riser equally.Both with D,E and also the F limbs Dakota style and D recurve.A person with a shorter draw might consider other options on these versatile bows.The B riser is very versatile.You can still get a short bow out of it or a longer one.

Some guys like the C alot and It shoots very well.Ofcourse its got more mass and allows for a longer bow with excellant stabilty and is dead in the hand.

I think what ever combination you choose its gonna reflect what you want in the bow as far as length combinations and mass wieght of the riseer.

i think if you buy one and its a keeper bow for you you would eventually have multiole limbs of a few lengths and styles and also a couple risers to do whatever you want to do with it whether its a blind bow,a longer tackdriver or something in different poundages for different applications.

For a pure hunting bow I think the A riser with D limbs is gonna be hard to beat overall if you draw 28 inches or more.

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Re: Morrison Limb-Riser combos
« Reply #10 on: March 03, 2009, 11:16:00 PM »
I love he A riser E limb combo for the Shawnee w/Dakota limbs... but recently bought a used B riser / B limb Cheyenne and even suprising to myself it shoots just as good as the other combination for me anyway...  I've got a draw somewhere between 29" and 30" depending on the grip.
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Re: Morrison Limb-Riser combos
« Reply #11 on: March 04, 2009, 12:16:00 AM »
Sounds good Jeff.I got a C riser and B limbs coming in the Cheyenne model and sounds like it should be similar to your B and B combo.Your post makes me think it should work out well for me.

I got an A riser Shawnee coming that I will be testing some D and E Dakota limbs on.Have not had an A riser for a couple years and this ones got a small locator grip that should be nice for me since alot of my other bows got locator type grips.

It will be nice to make a 60 inch hunting bow with the D limbs on this riser.I expect my lighter weight E limbs to perform very well for me on this riser as well for hunting,some 3-D and when I am tired and want some lighter limbs to shoot or want to work on my form a bit.

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Re: Morrison Limb-Riser combos
« Reply #12 on: March 04, 2009, 01:03:00 AM »
I realy like the b riser with the c limbs. For me the b riser seems a bit more stable and the c limbs are smooth as silk to my 29.5" draw. In the past I've hunted with a B/B combo and it shot well for me. But side by side I always shot a little better with the 60" bow. I had a c riser for a short while but a friend grabbed it up before I really got a chance to try it out. He loves the c riser c limb combo and he shoots it lights out..
I thought the wts were based on an A riser and they dropped a couple lbs when the riser length increased, but V13 may be right about the limbs pad angles.
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Offline amar911

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Re: Morrison Limb-Riser combos
« Reply #13 on: March 04, 2009, 11:06:00 AM »

Just so you have something more to confuse you, I have all the different models of Morrison bows, the most recent of which is the ILF model. I wasn't interested in the ILF until Bob Morrison told me for about the 20th time how much I would like it. I finally relented and bought a Mini-14 ILF riser and the "C" foam/carbon longbow limbs. It is a fantastic bow and is only 56" long. I can shoot it as well as any bow I own, including ones that are 10 inches longer. The ILF can be tuned much easier and can be taken apart and put together in seconds without any tools. Also, you can get recurve and longbow limbs that will slip into place in seconds. I ended up with the phenolic riser and black limbs because the riser is bomb proof and the black is perfect for pop up blind use. The woods that I have in my other Morrisons are much prettier though. I am only telling you this to let you know that there is a good alternative to the Cheyenne, although I have several Cheyennes and love them. I definitely prefer a shorter riser and longer limbs in the Morrisons, just like I do in almost all my bows. I like the feel of the longer working limbs. I also prefer the feel of a 9 foot fly rod to a 7 foot fly rod for the same reasons! Like you always hear, if you can try various combinations before you buy your bow, that is the best way to figure out what is right for you. You also need to take into consideration what grip works best for you, since that is almost a bigger consideration than the limb and riser lengths. If you were down here in Oklahoma I would let you shoot all my Morrisons in various combinations so you could see what you liked best.

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Re: Morrison Limb-Riser combos
« Reply #14 on: March 04, 2009, 06:30:00 PM »
Thanks for all the info guys, a lot to digest, I think shooting some different combos is definitely in order.
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Re: Morrison Limb-Riser combos
« Reply #15 on: March 04, 2009, 06:40:00 PM »
I have a 64 inch Shawnee.  How do I figure if I have A, B, or C riser and limbs?

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Re: Morrison Limb-Riser combos
« Reply #16 on: March 04, 2009, 08:09:00 PM »
Shawnee riser length a-14", B-16", C-18".

  a-f  -----> 64"
  b-e  -----> 64"
  c-d  -----> 64"
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