Guys I am having trouble with a bad shoulder, traded for a couple of lower poundage bows, a warf,pulling#43 and a Quinn Stingray, #40. The stingray, first one I have owned, smokes an arrow and the #43 gives me about the same penetration as my go to bow at #50, flat trajectory. I thought it was just me becaus I hadnt been shooting as much, got a couple of buddies over, they had the same reaction, couldnt belive the penetration with field points and broadheads.The warf has Hoyt Carbon Sky Jacks on it, and is sweeeet!! I love my Quinss and BW's, but this warf is about the sweetest shooting bow I have, Quinns right behind it. I am looking at more shoulder surgery this month, and will probably be hunting with around #40 this fall, took 3 deeer and a turkey last year with #46 bow, 150 WW heads.