Andy: I've been doing this for a while as well as have a few others. Those threads are still on here somewhere. Have been considering producing a commercial jig. Looking at machining and insurance costs now. Gets expensive pretty fast.
What's the diameter of your tungsten rod? I've been using 1/8 and 3/16 steel rod. One-eighth threaded steel rod is 20 grains per inch. I expect the solid rod is 5 grains or so heavier per inch. 3/16 solid steel rod is just about exactly 50 grains per inch. I expect threaded 3/16 rod would be 7-10 grains less per inch. Will be picking up and weighing some of the sizes/configurations I don't have, and brass, in the next few days. I'm looking for stuff that is widely available at hardware and building supply stores.
In my experience, the footing strengthens the shaft immediately behind the point and doesn't change the static spine. Haven't done enough experimenting to reach the upper limit of physical weight that can be added to a wood shaft. I expect spine weight, particularly in 5/16 and 11/32 shafts will limit how much weight can be added. It won't be possible to load them as heavily as carbons because wood, cedar anyway, just isn't available in heavy enough spines to handle it. Even a mid-weight, high performance bow would probably require a 75-80# spine or higher when front loaded, and that's getting pretty hard to find in a 11/32 shaft.
More experimentation is needed.