I have skinned a lot of wild hogs without gloves. The other day I heard of a local that contracted swine Brucellosis and was having a lot of trouble getting over it. I will wear gloves from now on. This is what I found from a search on the net.
Swine Brucellosis
Swine brucellosis is caused by bacteria very similar to the organism that causes brucellosis in cattle, and both diseases are a public health concern. Swine brucellosis causes abortions in sows and infertility in boars. Although this disease does not kill pigs outright, it causes losses in reproduction that decrease profits for swine producers.
The swine brucellosis organism is transmitted in reproductive discharges, particularly the afterbirth, from infected sows or in semen from infected boars. Infected swine are disease carriers for life, and there is no effective treatment. Detecting infected swine through blood tests and culling these animals is the only way to remove the disease from the herd.
Swine brucellosis has been reported in wild pig populations in at least 14 States based primarily on serological prevalence. The disease can be spread to domestic swine if wild pigs are introduced into local herds. Introduction could be intentional, or wild pigs could break into pastures or pens to breed with domestic sows.
Pigs infected with swine brucellosis can serve as a source of infection to domestic animals. Cattle can also become infected if they come in close contact with infected wild pigs.
Humans can get swine brucellosis through handling infected tissues of wild pigs. Hunters are at risk when they field-dress and butcher wild pigs and should take the following precautions:
1. Always wear disposable plastic or rubber gloves when field-dressing, cleaning, and butchering a wild pig carcass. Avoid direct contact with blood and reproductive organs.
2. As soon as possible, wash hands with soap and hot water after dressing wild pigs.
3. Burn or bury gloves and remains from butchered wild pigs.
4. Cook wild pig meat thoroughly.
The symptoms of swine brucellosis in humans are not distinctive enough for a clear-cut diagnosis. Most people report recurring fever, chills, sweating, weakness, headaches, pains in muscles or joints, loss of appetite, and weight loss. People with these symptoms who have been exposed to wild pigs should consult their doctor about swine brucellosis.