I’ve read all the Ashby reports and if my memory serves, I thought Dr. Ashby defined EFOC as anything higher than 19%. That was study defined as the FOC where there is a marked increase in the penetration of heavy bone. Not that I have anything against 25-30%, but that seems "extreme extreme" FOC to me.
I believe Dr. Ashby is getting 25-30% by using footed hardwood shafts, or by double shafting carbon arrows (using various sizes of aluminum shafts inside the carbon shaft), that would add to the spine of any carbon shaft. Also tapered carbon shafts help with the FOC, but they are expensive.
This next statement is just an observation, and I don’t mean anything by it, but it seems to me that just like anything (arrow wt, FOC, bow wt, etc.) when you go to one extreme, or the other, you sacrifice something. I believe in EFOC and shoot grizzlystick arrows with 200 gr points (right at 21% FOC, 680 gr total arrow wt), out of my 64 lb Bob Lee. I’m not worried about FOC it as long as I’m above 17-19%. With my current set-up I don’t worry too much about penetration. Granted, I’m not shooting Cape buff with it, but I’ve been to Africa and wouldn’t hesitate to shoot an eland with it.