It must be a personal contest, prey verses predator. The earthy breath of pragmatic survival must satiate the veins of both parties. When that sense leaves one participant, a spiritual process is cheapened. Left alone, that process can exalt both parties, man and beast. Might as well magnify what we have been given and respect the cycles we have dominion over. "Traditional" hunting is my attempt at glorifying my portion, out of respect for the Giver. Vastly personal in their own right, those decisions are.
Right now I find myself hunting with heavy arrows (800gr)
a 71# handmade curve, with antler embedded. I prefer learning the language and calling in critters, elk, antelope, deer turkey. Though, spot and stalk is is right up there. I hunt barefoot when possible. I try to slow down and smell the pine, feel the terra firma and be part of the experience. I wear plaid and camo at times, though I prefer plaid for its sex appeal. I have a lucky hat. I put in the time to know the land. I put in the time to know the creator of and give thanks for that land. I keep my range legit and only take ethical shots. I kill to have hunted. I enjoy the honest miss. and of course, always say grace over the meal.
I think wisdom comes from respecting what we do. And doing those things in humility, wishing no ill on any of the participants for our own gratification.