There is no boubt that everything does not go right in the woods all of the time. What percentages and such are those? I don't have those calculations, but I do know that I have shot a number of North American big game animals with a Montec 125 or 140 with quartering way shots and not lost any of them nor had a scant blood trail. We are talking ethical quartering away shots that pick up the back of one lung or the liver and the front of the other lung. They do a good job on these shots. If you shoot one further back that that it is not a head problem.
I have never been to Africa, but would like to, and would not hesitate to shoot a Montec there. I am not sure what country it is in, but the number one Lion and host of other anilmals were just reported being taken by a hunter using the same Montec for several of the same animals. I am sure G5 will be posting those pictures soon.
It has been about five to ten years since I read the "Double Helix" by Don Thomas, but I think I remember advice being given to take the quartering away shot by him in that book, because the vitals on African game sits so far forward. Campared to our NA game a hit that looks good on African game may in fact be behind the vitals and a poor hit; so the quartering shot recommended.
The compound issues...I can't speak for these for instances, other than that I have not seen these results in the mixed camps I have been in and compunds throw in a whole other ball game with light non penetrating arrows and speed that is an obvious failure for all to see.
I have read Ashby's and others on the single bevel, two blade, heavy head school of thought and see the merit there. I will say though, that that that type of head is not the only answer.
The Montec is a good head and it will provide and lethal wound channel on a quarting away shot shot consistently leading you to game in the freezer.
Like Jesse said, not arguing a point...just providing facts from my personal experiences with a Montec as O&U asked.
Have good night all...I am flying up to roost.