Originally posted by David MItchell:
I called LAS last week to order a Red Stag TD and was advised against it as "we have been having some problems with them and they are working on that." I ordered a different bow which the guy recommended which is also a Samick for my grandson.
The issue of off-shore work and non-American made products is a complex one with no simple solution. American labor has in many ways been its own worst enemy with ever growing demands for higher and higher wages, benefits, and retirement entitlements that cannot be sustained (witness what has happened to the "Big 3" auto makers). Maybe the standard of living we have thought so necessary is not after all. Just my perspective ........Dave
See Dave,
I think the Samicks are a "stimulus" to the American economy. Once you can shoot a Samick you feel the urge to want to have a bow built for you.. I think they're a great way too see if you want to get involved with this sport. I imagine I'll be with mine for (at least) another year or so before I'll shop around for a nicer bow.