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Author Topic: Am I getting burned out with trad or what?  (Read 2009 times)

Offline Dave Bulla

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Am I getting burned out with trad or what?
« on: March 13, 2009, 02:45:00 AM »
Ya know, I've been shooting a longbow as an adult for about 15 years now and the past about two years, I've noticed that I'm not quite as avid when it comes to shooting as I used to be.  Used to be there was almost never a day went by that I didn't shoot at least a little.  

I went through all the target panic stuff for years and totally changed my style to get over that and it worked for the short drawing but I never really got 100% rid of my "spaz" as I call it where I'd shoot a couple good arrows and then flinch one off about a foot or two.  My best friend and huntin' bud died about 3 or 4 years ago and it just hasn't been the same.  I've got no family around here and haven't hooked up with anyone like Bob.  

Partly due to my target panic, and a lot due to having to hunt public land, I've not had the opportunities to take or make shots on deer like a lot of people get year after year.  I've only killed one buck and one doe in all the time I've been hunting.  (Gosh, Ihadn't really sat down and figured that up until just now...)

I've got three kids and my daughter is now 14 and she'll be bow hunting deer this fall for the first time.  My boys are 7 and 4 so they can't quite bow hunt yet but they like to go with me.  Of course, when they do, it's usually not for deer or if it is, we don't have much luck for obvious reasons but we have fun.

Anyway, I've always been a far better rifle shot than I ever was a bow shot and I dont' mean for the obvious reasons of distance, rather my confidence with the rifle at any range.  I've shot quite a few deer with a rifle and can't think of but one where I drew blood and didn't recover it.  I've lost three deer by bow.  Two bucks and one doe.  Sure I love the bow.  If I was a better shot, I'd hunt with nothing else.  But dang it, hunting the midwest for 15 years and getting two deer is pretty lame.  

Yea, I know, it's not about the kill.....  But in part, it is or we wouldn't carry a weapon.  Yea, there are different stages in a hunters life I know.  I've read all the ethical stories....but I still want to be ABLE to be succesful or CHOOSE to pass a shot.  I don't want to be obsessed with a hobby that I might have to honestly admit that I'm not very good at.  What's the point?

I'm totally confident with a rifle and honestly, I LIKE to kill a deer.  I like to EAT deer.  I don't like to WOUND a deer.

I LOVE to shoot a bow.  I like to shoot guns.  Why do I have a mental glitch when I drop the string on a bow?  Why can I confidently shoot a running deer with a rifle but screw up with a bow?

I think part of it is I started out with great coaching on a rifle from my Dad (He was on the army rifle team) and I killed the first deer I ever shot at with a rifle and the second, and the third, fourth, fifth...None were even close to standing still or even going slower than a trot.

With the longbow, I killed the first deer I ever shot at but missed the second, third, fourth.... center punched the first turkey I ever shot at but lost it.  Missed the second, third, fourth...

See the trend?

I've heard it said (and said it myself) that there is no better way to learn to shoot an animal than to go out and shoot animals regardless of the weapon of choice.  I guess maybe a good way to learn not to kill animals is to go out and not kill them too eh?

But I'm getting off my original thought before I ever started typing this....

I bought my first longbow in 1994 after moving to Missouri and having all my guns stolen.  Some time before all that I happened to stumble on an article in Outdoor Life or Sports Afield I think that was about two brothers who still hunted deer with recurves and longbows.  None other than Gene and Barry Wensel.... Then here in MO, I happened to find a copy of TBH and the hook was set.  I bought my first bow (Not counting the recurve I had as a teen) from Jim Johnson of Legend Longbows here in MO and went to his house to try some bows, picked out the pieces of wood I wanted, met a friend in the process.

It was all about wood arrows and longbows from then out and boy was I having fun!  Shot a little fork horn buck the following fall and centered the heart.

After a good many years of tag soup, loosing my hunting bud and fighting target panic off and on, last year I fell into the hype and picked up some carbon arrows for the first time thinking maybe it would make a difference.  I have to admit, they shoot great.  I also have to admit, something isn't the same.  I don't like playing with screw on points or weights, deciding between brass inserts vs aluminum or steel, them goofy rotating snap nocks.  This past fall I hunted deer less than I've ever done since I started bowhunting.  Sitting in a tree with a carbon arrow on the string just lacked something.

Is that wierd?  Am I mental?  Do I just need to go back to wood arrows?

It's like I didn't mind the added challenge when I was doing "natural" archery but I think as soon as I started trying to "buy" proficiency, it just wasn't the same.  I think I could hunt the rest of my life with a long bow and wood arrows and not mind much if I shot a deer or not as long as I was having fun but last year was wierd.  I just felt like I'd sold out.

Anyway, not sure if there is really a point to this or not.  Bob and I used to talk about stuff like this all the time but he's not around anymore so I'm just kinda throwing it out there...  I think maybe I just miss him more than I care to admit.

I don't think I've shot my bow since about January.  Haven't really felt like it.  Been getting back into reloading for the rifle but I'm kinda wanting to try another self bow soon but I've been saying that for years.

What to do.....

I've come to believe that the keys to shooting well for me are good form, trusting the bow to do all the work, and having the confidence in the bow and myself to remain motionless and relaxed at release until the arrow hits the mark.

Offline Benny Nganabbarru

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Re: Am I getting burned out with trad or what?
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2009, 03:02:00 AM »
Well, the arrow question is easy! If the carbons don't feel right to you, and you miss the wood, go back to the wood. There's a lot of folks here that can attest to the fact that wood still works a treat!

The bigger question is much more difficult, and I doubt I can help much. Perhaps, in order to get your confidence and enjoyment back, you might try and try and try some more to engineer a very, very, very close encounter with an unknowing deer. There's no shame in admitting to yourself that maybe twenty metres in a stand is too far for you, even though it may be just fine for another bloke. I don't really know too much about how you fellows hunt deer, but if you could set-up some natural brush blinds at natural funnels or game trails, and really get to know the local situation during your off-season, perhaps that'd help - a deer at eight metres through a gap in the brush blind (okay, or artificial blind)! I apologise if this isn't really feasible in your area, as I'm just trying to guess based on my reading, and I've never seen a whitetail!

No-one could replace your mate, but if you hooked-up with some other TradGangers, you might find some more fine company to swap tall stories and silly ideas with.

As for shooting each day, maybe you could shoot every second day, and only twenty or thirty arrows. This might be a bad idea, but it might be the trick, too.

Anyway, good luck with it!
TGMM - Family of the Bow

Offline Danny Rowan

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Re: Am I getting burned out with trad or what?
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2009, 03:09:00 AM »

It is supposed to be fun, don't overthink it. Let it be natural. Nothing wrong with wood arrows or carbon arrows. I shoot both now and always swore I would only shoot wood. I do not have to Play around with my setup, I know what works and that is what I use for both carbon or wood out of all my bows. If wood arrows make you feel better then shoot wood.

"When shooting instinctivly,it matters not which eye is dominant"

Jay Kidwell and Glenn St. Charles

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Offline NorthernCaliforniaHunter

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Re: Am I getting burned out with trad or what?
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2009, 03:21:00 AM »
You know, I've pondered many of the same questions, though I haven't been into trad hunting long enough to hit any walls with regards to bow shooting, but I can tell you this - at least, I can tell you what I know to be true for me (and forgive me if I sound a little philosophical but since you set the tone...) - what we hunt when we are out in the woods is ourselves. What we hunt is a sense of connection to creation and all living things, past and present. The weapon ultimately is just a tool - weather the mallet is wood or steel, eventually it will rid the rough stone of its superfluities. When you just don't feel like being a romantic, live recklessly and pick up that rifle!!! I'm sure your friend will smile down upon you as you enjoy that fine venison roast - GUILT FREE!!! We aren't hitchin' horses and lighting by candle anymore and this certainly aint Kansas, Toto.    :thumbsup:
"...there are no words that can tell the hidden spirit of the wilderness, that can reveal its mystery, it's melancholy, and its charm." Theodore Roosevelt

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Online Steelhead

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Re: Am I getting burned out with trad or what?
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2009, 03:46:00 AM »
Sorry to hear about your hunting buddy passing on Dave.I could see where that would have an effect on your desire to get out and hunt.Thier are certainly things that are more important than hunting and one of them is the fellowship we experience with like minded people who we share out outdoor interest with and the passions we feel for it.Thier is a strong bond thier thats more than skindeep.

Heck if one of hunting buddies died I think I might take a short leave of abscence from the places we had so much fun running around in.Thier is alot of memories thier.It would seem lonely for a spell naturally and cause some Existential angst I believe.i hunt mostly alone these days since I moved but I do not feel lonely.

I too hunt public and it can be a pain the arse around where I live now.I still go and go through the routine and actually enjoy myself some days in spite of poeple trammpling all over the place  yelling,riding bikes by and dogs howling and chasing around where i am hunting.Some days a do find a measure of peace and tranquility though as I am sure you do as well.Thats half the reason i am out thier to begin with.

I dont think i have loosed an arrow at a deer in 5 years or more.I have certainly passed up some deer but dont feel a burning desire to kill one really.I used to though.I hunt hard though and usaually have a few good chances every year even on hard hunted public.Its tough though.Its definatly bettter than staying home though and I need the exorcise.

As far as the taget panic goes thats a tough one for an archer.No easy remedy.At least you are getting to full draw.Thats half the battle.Improve on a few more details and i think you could improve a bit more and enjoy your shooting more.We all want to hit the mark and its certainly more fun when we can get our arrows consistantly in the kill zone at short distances.I thought about not hunting at all a season or 2 because i figured I did not deserve to be in the woods becuase my shooting was so pathetic

You might try a good read if you havent read it called Instinctive archery insights.Cant remember the authors name off hand.You might glean a few methods in that book though to help you a bit.Its a recommended read by more than a few archers for target panic related issues.You got nothing but time to try and make some headway.The devils in the details and if you can get just a few things swinging your way the shooting will improve some

No problem with chilling out and backing off of your archery and hunting.We all het burned out sometimes on things.Maybe you just need to recharge your batteries for awhile.you might come back refreshed and renewed

It would be nice to have access to some better hunting with less competition but we gotta appreciate what we got even if its not prime and make do.

If you dont feel soulful about the carbons what the hey chuck em and get a real nice set of barrel tapered ceders from Elite Arrows and put some soul back in your life LOL.They fly great anyway!

No your not crazy or wierd or mental Dave LOL.Believe me!

Good luck man!Enjoy yourself.Lifes to short

Offline SL

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Re: Am I getting burned out with trad or what?
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2009, 05:50:00 AM »
Keep it simple and fun.
Nothing wrong with hunting no matter the weapon. The weapon doesnt take away from the hunt unless you let it.

Offline Plumber

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Re: Am I getting burned out with trad or what?
« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2009, 06:27:00 AM »
I am no doctor but as sportman we do go through similar feelings about our success or about our ability.you must have fun .This year I backed off my ajenda to focus on my 10yr son. we went an did alot of muzzeloading. It was nice to see him get his deer.I felt excited an recomitted .It is O.K to back off for a while maybe just shoot around the house.recommitt to form an quality shooting an have fun. by the way you will find another buddy .

Offline khardrunner

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Re: Am I getting burned out with trad or what?
« Reply #7 on: March 13, 2009, 06:50:00 AM »

I've had the same problem for years. I started out shooting nothing but Trad when I was a kid. I shot pretty well for a while until I was about 13-14. I started developing TP, and it got pretty bad. I started to hate shooting because it just wasn't fun anymore. I even picked up an old set of wheels thinking I could shoot it instinctively and not have the TP. I ended up giving that away after about a month. Anyway, I stopped shooting period for about 5-6 years. I rarely picked the bow up. When I did, I still had the same old problems. I really used to love shooting with my dad and brother. Out of the blue one day, my dad shot me a set of emails that he had been exchanging with Jay Kidwell concerning my shooting. That was a couple years ago. I've been working hard with his stuff since, and I am much better. I actually enjoy shooting again. I have yet to kill anything but a mouse, and I still have problems with TP and some other stuff. What I've found is that there are many things that make shooting enjoyable:

- friends/family
- the process of hunting
- most of all...progress

I enjoy getting better. I love the days where I shoot and I get to anchor almost every time. I still have to work hard, but it's coming around. I just thought I'd share a bit and may encourage you to continue to work through the tough times.

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Offline Guru

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Re: Am I getting burned out with trad or what?
« Reply #8 on: March 13, 2009, 07:42:00 AM »
Hate to be blunt...but if you have to ask a question like this, then maybe it is time to walk away for a while at least......
Curt } >>--->   

"I love you Daddy".......My son Cade while stump shooting  3/19/06

Offline vermonster13

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Re: Am I getting burned out with trad or what?
« Reply #9 on: March 13, 2009, 07:55:00 AM »
Decide why you do it and focus on the part you enjoy. If you like to shoot the bows but prefer to hunt with a rifle, so be it. Shoot your bows just for the enjoyment and hunt with your weapon of choice. It's all good.
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Offline turkey65

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Re: Am I getting burned out with trad or what?
« Reply #10 on: March 13, 2009, 07:59:00 AM »
I've been shooting the bow for close to 60 years, to me it's mostly been a journey of fun. There's been times when shooting wasn't as much fun, but I think that occured when other things took over my mind, family, job,etc. My dad started me shooting in the early 50's,at that time equipment was hard to come by.Being a machinist he made alot of his own equipment fletching gigs, arrow tips target and broadheads, quivers, etc. A love affair was born and still carries on today. Archery friends have come and gone through the years and when my dad died a big part of the spirit died at the time,but as my son got old enough to shoot a new era began, then grandsons started to come along and a different phase started but none of them have the deep feeling for the sport that I have,thats ok every person persues his interest in different degrees. These days I bowhunt by myself on public land, back in enough to get away from the noise of every day life,Im very content with this, and when i get lucky I aiways have help for the drag if I'm not able to do it myself. There are days when I don't shoot as well as I can, if I have one of those days I'm extra choosey about the shot I take, if I haven't practiced in a day or two the animal has to be very close. It's mostly a mind game and when other things take over my mind concentration suffers,while hunting I let the outdoors, the mountains ,the peace, the sounds of nature control my soul and become part of what is developing before me, this makes me a better hunter and a better shot. I think the daily shooting of the bow can become boring to a degree, i try to visulize a situation on an animal before i release an arrow maybe an angle shot, shooting through an opening in brush, a kneeling shot,etc this makes the practicing more realistic and fun, not every shot is perfect accept that and some animals will be lost this is part of the sport.Not every animal is recovered during rifle season, I find deer every year that people didn't recover thats part of it. What I'm trying to say in a long way, don't think so much about the enjoyment it's there too much thinking destroys the fun.

Offline Steve Clandinin

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Re: Am I getting burned out with trad or what?
« Reply #11 on: March 13, 2009, 08:25:00 AM »
Dave ,theres good times ahead. Believe me. You're story could have been written by me ,all of it.Same feelings, same emotions everything.I've been shooting a bow for 48 years now and struggled alot.Your going thru many of feelings in the "life" of a Trad archer. You have three young children I have 2 . they are long grown up and gone, but they talk and remember so vividly about the days hunting and shooting with Dad. My son ,now 30 is a Trad nut and only shoots the recurve I made him,which makes me feel good. Change your archery lifestyle. Start Rovin and stumpin. Take your kids along. Get them equipment and show them the way.A whole new lifestyle will develop for you. I promise by teaching your children your shooting will improve as you'll relive all the things you forgot. Honestly your future will be bright. Try some stillhunting and groundblinds ,you might be surprised how things turn out.I've never been in a tree stand in my life. but thats just me. I know you'll work it out. Best of luck.
Quote from Howard Hill.( Whenever he taught someone to shoot) "Son make up your mind right now if you want to target shoot or hunt as theres a world of differance between the two"

Offline SpikeMaster

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Re: Am I getting burned out with trad or what?
« Reply #12 on: March 13, 2009, 08:37:00 AM »
      Sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. I'm going through a lot of the same things you are. I've had target panic for years but I've got it mostly under control now. I'll never be totally rid of it but right now I only have one flitchy shot out of a hundred. A couple of things you might want to try that might help. I went out stump shooting last weekend and I didn't have one problem with target panic. It was one of the best days shooting I ever had. Doing the same shooting routine day in and day out I think feeds target panic. Stump shoot one day, target shoot the next and take a break from shooting in between. You might want to take a big break from shooting right now, like a month or so, you've got plenty of time before hunting season to get ready.
   As far as the lack of success and feeling burnt out I understand that also. I live about an hour from where I grew up and hunted for years. My old hunting grounds were a fairly big and remote public hunting area. It was possible to hunt this area from the ground since the deer didn't get a lot of hunting preasure. The reason that's important is that I have a very bad fear of heights and I have a really hard time hunting out of a treestand. The military has since taken it over and I can't bow hunt there anymore. There's a public hunting area very close to where I live now but it gets a lot of hunting preasure and the deer are almost impossible to hunt from the ground. Plus it's small and surrounded by houses and I can't hardly go anywhere and not hear barking dogs or traffic. I've been fighting with trying to hunt out of treestands for years and didn't really enjoy myself. Two years ago I decided to hunt exclusively from the ground. I didn't as much as get a shot at a deer but I had a lot of close encounters, spent more time in the woods than I usually do, and enjoyed it more.
   It's gotten to the point that I've thought about quitting hunting. I've also thought about going with more high tech trad bows. The thing is I've really love shooting longbows. Just bought a new Mohawk and I can't wait till it gets here. I've decided to shoot what I like to shoot the most and not worry about if I might shoot slightly better groups with a recurve. I've also decided to hunt from the ground since that's the way I like hunting the best. If I do get a deer that makes it just that bigger an accomplishment. Just stay true to yourself.

Offline Don Stokes

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Re: Am I getting burned out with trad or what?
« Reply #13 on: March 13, 2009, 08:56:00 AM »
Dave, I too lost my best friend and hunting buddy, my brother Bill. He was killed violently, and it almost ruined my life. Life was hell for a long time, and it almost cost me my wife as well through divorce. It's been three years now, and I'm finally getting used to not having him near me. My wife and I are back on solid ground.

My archery suffered during that time. I practically quit shooting, except for a couple of weeks right before bow season, and I didn't hunt nearly as much. I had no one close to talk to about man-things, and it just wasn't any fun any more.

In the past year I began to see the light again. This site has been more helpful than I imagined it would be. We humans have an almost infinite capacity to adjust to change, even when it's devastating. Hang in there- it WILL get better. I still think about my brother daily, and I still miss him terribly, but the pain is less and I can deal with it now. Life is good again, and I'm excited about hunting and shooting again. I walked out on the deck this morning at first light and hooted, and a gobbler responded from my neighbor's property. The first gobble of the season (it opens tomorrow) and I'm ready!
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Offline Whip

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Re: Am I getting burned out with trad or what?
« Reply #14 on: March 13, 2009, 08:56:00 AM »
I think Steve makes an excellent point.  Focus on your kids - they grow up so fast anyway, and archery may be a glue that can hold you together.  Your daughter is already taking the step, and your boys will likely follow.  Time in the woods with them will be so very precious and create some of the best memories for both you and them.

It sure does sound like the loss of your buddy is playing a big part in all of these feelings you are having, and that is fully understandable.  If hunting is what you shared with him it is probably just a reminder of your loss and how much you miss him.  Just try and remember the good times and think about what he would like to see you do.  He is with you always if you carry him in your heart.

As for the shooting, it is something that does seem to be more common than many people want to admit.  I really think it comes down to a mental thing.  (Doesn't it all?)  If you have any nagging doubt in your mind when you release an arrow at an animal hoping that you won't miss - you will miss.  If you have full confidence that when you drop the string the animal will die, and the shot is within your reasonable range, it will die.  Not always, but far more often than not.  But it really is a mental game, and I'm no physichologist.  I just know that of the people I know who have trouble killing animals it comes down to a confidence thing.  And confidence takes work.  You have to talk yourself into it and really work at developing those positive thoughts every time you shoot.  And then carry it over into the woods with you.  

Good luck on your journey, whichever direction you go.  As Guru said, maybe it is just simply time to take a break.  But by doing so you may miss out on a great opportunity with your kids.  Sure would hate to see that go to waste.
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Offline Whip

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Re: Am I getting burned out with trad or what?
« Reply #15 on: March 13, 2009, 09:02:00 AM »
One more thing - have you ever hooked up with other Trad Gangers?  If I remember correctly there was a bunch from your area that got together - not sure if you were a part of that.  If you haven't, seek them out!  This place is full of family if you will find them.  Also, if there is any way possible, try to participate in one of the Trad Gang group hunts.  Bear Quest, Texas Sweat, Pig Gig, or any gathering where a bunch of people from this site get together.  The friendships that can be made through this place are unbelievable!
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Offline Renaissance Man

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Re: Am I getting burned out with trad or what?
« Reply #16 on: March 13, 2009, 09:03:00 AM »
Just reading these responses puts a smile on my face, Dave the loss of your friend, the on again off again shooting and the emotional ups and downs of hunting are something you share with a very large group of men. You are not alone. We are all dealing with seasons of life and the sometimes confusing effects they have on us.
I am smiling because we have a forum where men can discuss this and many have responded, its a good thing.
I have very little advise for you other than seek out and decide what it is you enjoy about traditional archery. If you find the social part of it, maybe target shooting is enjoyable to you then do that. Take the pressure off of yourself to succeed in the woods, by pressure I mean what pressure we all put on ourselves as concientous hunters.
Hunt with your rifle, enjoy it, maybe hunt with a muzzle loader, that has many of the same romanticism of trad archery especially if you do it the old ways like I do.
Every man, every American should be a rifleman.
Down the road with the pressure off and you target shooting with your kids and friends maybe at a archery range/club you may find a sense of longing and a higher confidence level and decide to return to the woods with your bow.
But until you get that pressure off of yourself, and you are confident with your bow at whatever range you decide is your limit, don't go into the woods after deer with it, if you were my friend that is what I would tell you.

Offline Mourning Wood

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Re: Am I getting burned out with trad or what?
« Reply #17 on: March 13, 2009, 09:21:00 AM »
Dave,as you can plainly see there are many of us with stories that have come close to yours.My best friend and the person who taught me to shoot instinctive was involved in a serious car accident and was almost killed.His shoulder and elbow were destroyed and it was by the grace of God that they didn't have to amputate.Well he can no longer enjoy our great pass time because they had to reconstruct everything.He's been told that he can't afford to dislodge any of the reconstruction or face losing the little mobility he now has.Needless to say he is very emotional over losing every thing so I don't add to his burdens by pushing my adventures on him.Now basically I'm without the person that could and would show me everything and it's depressing for me too.My hunting grounds are really sad too as I basically have a small area to hunt and it can be disrupted because the farmer wants the deer shot so they allow hunting from anyone.I also eat my tags alot.My kids are grown up now and out and about so I do alot of stumping to clear my head.Cabin fever really sucks too!!Anyway I thought I'd point out that your not alone in the mystery of life.I'm one of the bunches of laidoff folks that can't find a job yet so I just shoot and then I'm good to go for another day!!ED
Jack of all trades,Expert at none!!

Offline Jeff Strubberg

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Re: Am I getting burned out with trad or what?
« Reply #18 on: March 13, 2009, 09:41:00 AM »
I got s busy with my kids I took about five years off from archery...and I would do it again in a heartbeat.

Yea, I know, it's not about the kill.....
In one of Don Thomas' books, he quote a friend of his saying "If you want to enjoy downhill skiing, you better learn to enjoy walking uphill.".  If the kill is the only satisfaction you get out of hunting, then you are much better off with the rifle.

To me, bowhunting has been about learning to enjoy the rest of the hunt.   Yea, that's hokey-sounding, but I would never have learned to relax and listen to the woods around me if it weren't for bowhunting.
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Offline joe ashton

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Re: Am I getting burned out with trad or what?
« Reply #19 on: March 13, 2009, 10:08:00 AM »
You know, a healthy human is a dynamic ever changing thing. That is what makes so different from the other animals. If you are having a shift in priorities and interests that only means one thing.  You are alive and dynamic.  It is not bad it is healthy.
Reload away.  Have fun.  Learn new skills and grow.

Joe Ashton,D.C.
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