Sorry this took so long, been traveling. Like the previous post we had a blast at Ray's. I have been there twice and will be back as soon as I can. Ray knows where the hogs are and is tolerant of idiots like me that want to "try something else" Don't waste your time, go where he says to go. I get the same thing on fishing charters but I'm not quite as nice as Ray.
I did manage to get 2 huge hogs but we did not have a camera that could get them in the frame. The guys from Maine may say there where little but what do they know (they talk funny too).
They where little but they will be on the grill later today and I bet they'll taste great.
One picture is of the biggest vine I have ever seen.
One is a turkey I got with in 10 yards of. Gee wish they would have been in season.