2 weeks ago the state of SC in their infinite wisdom changed an umpteen year old law that said if a season starts or ends on a Sunday it is legal to hunt the preceding Saturday or the following Monday.Turkey season always starts on March 15 in the Lowcountry and I was planning on doing that until they changed the law. So.............. I had to find something else to do.
I started out by being a good husband and daddy. I went shopping with everyone. At about 2 PM I headed for the club. I got there at 3.
By 3:30 I was in the pigs. I blew the first 2 tries and then, as I was walking down a road in a cutover I heard a plop in the water.
I knew that it had to be pigs. In about 2 minutes these 2 football sized piglets materialized out of the thick stuff. I heard a deep grunt farther back in the swamp. Then the palmettos started wiggling. It was so thick I couldn't see anything and it was less than 15 yards away!!
Finally this pig shows herself. At less than 10 yards even I can make a good shot. She only went about 30 yards.