I haven't met any of you ppl in person, but this is what is so special about this forum. It is like the musketeers of old. All for one and one for all.
I am sorry to hear about his wife Paula.
I can donate something too if it will help. I have a brand new Kanata bow quiver I would put into the auction.
Just some recent statisics and this is not to be rude it's just to be aware of. I have an aunt and uncle that were battling it...my uncle lost and my aunt lost a breast and isn't out of the woods yet either.
American cancer society has just announces that they predict that by 2010 - 2011 1 in 2 ppl will be diagnosed with cancer.
Cancer numbers from the past:
Source: American Cancer Society
1960: 1 in 300
1990: 1 in 75
2006: 1 in 3
They all tend to agree it's from our lifestyle now. Too fast paced, not enough nutrition in our diets, to much stress, too much pollution, lack of sleep, less exercise etc.
Only 17% of American eat 2 or more servings of fruit a day and the recommended daily doesage has risen from 3-5 when I was young to 7-9 now.
Anyway I care about ppl and I think most of us really don't watch what we eat enough and get daily exercise. I hope you look at the info and do something about it FOR yourself ok.
Jer Bear