Just learning the sad news this AM. I've not had time to read any of the previous posts except the one on this page. I'm struck by several random thoughts.
First, having got to know Mike the last couple years, he is a first class gentleman and I feel very sorry for him and his family. Second, his wife had to be a saint for allowing Mike such leeway to follow his heart to the wild country for extended outings each fall. That's one aspect of true love in my opinion. Third, I am glad Mike was able to get his book published with the heartfelt dedication to Paula before her death. This public sharing of his love and respect for his wife speaks volumes.
And finally, I have often been dismayed by how quickly life just picks up and Time marches on after these events. I don't truly know what an appropriate mourning period is, but I do know that we will all quickly get back to the demands of this world in short order. Let's be mindful of all our friends who have suffered losses and include them in our thoughts, prayers, and activities. The hurt for them can linger for a long time after we've already moved on.
May God be with their family at this time and always.