Okay ya'll...here is the pic (I hope) and the story will follow. By the way, the pup in the photo is Henry, my new wirehaired dachshund puppy. He was having almost as much fun as me :D !

Hope arrived at my place at 12:45pm today. After getting her out of the shipping case and putting her together, I grabbed a selection of arrows to see what she liked. She chose Gold Tip 35-55 with a 50 grain brass insert and a 220 grain point. Cool. I installed a set of El Grande Grizzlies, took another couple of test shots and looked at the time. Hmmm..1:40pm...just enough time to get cleaned up and get into my hunting blind for the afternoon.
I arrived at my ground blind at the end of a clover field amidst intermittent drizzle. I settled in at 3 pm and a fawn was quick to appear after only 15 minutes. She wandered around a bit before heading back into the adjacent woods.
Then, at 4:15 a doe appeared right in front of my location, but she was facing me the entire time. No shot. She fed away from me in short order and I relaxed into my folding chair. Then, I heard the sound of a deer brush against foliage and when I looked up, another doe was making her way toward me. She stopped perfectly broadside at 13 steps, I came to full draw, and let Hope do her thing. The doe ran 80 yards through the field and dropped. No tracking job necessary :D .
Of course, my good fortune means that Vermonster will get her a bit sooner than expected. Why let the mojo go stale?!! I'll keep her a few more days and then be sending her on to VT. I hope she's as lucky for the next hunters as she was for me tonight