Yeah We're feeling the pinch. I once had a large and successful Concrete company in NC, but due to the economic slump that started a year ago it has forced almost all of my builders to stop construction, which put us out of business. We went from 25 employees, 20 subs, 3 trucks, many peices of equipement and our home. to all but one vehicle, We're renting, I'm back to various remodeling and handyman jobs with one helper, and i'm 34K in debt and possibly looking at chapter 7, but with all that being said, I have one amazing custom shooter left after selling my others(Border, RER, Ferguson, Fox, Bruin, Wallace..etc) My wife and I are doing better than ever, and my two boys are always a blessing. Every step of every day is in faith, and I have never been happier. plus next week i'm going to visit Lukas at Saluki
Shooting bows and breaking knocks still brings that big 'ol smile to my face.
Keep your heads up guys...